Interview with CAI Chuanqing

发布于: 2021-10-15 00:00

"From the snowy end of winter and the beginning of spring to the golden mid autumn season, my team and I enjoy it and are willing to do our bit for the internationalization of traditional Chinese medicine."

Cai Chuanqing: when traditional Chinese medicine goes out, we should speak with curative effect



Figure ①: Cai Chuanqing spoke at the promotion meeting of medical device and drug access manual. Photo ②: on May 15, Yuri Sankoh, Ambassador of Belarus to China, visited the Jintai Academy of culture. Figure ③: signing instrument for memorandum of cooperation between Jintai Academy of culture and Belarus health identification center


Weekend people · China news column
Our reporter Yun Chunjie


He is a fellow of Weifang. In the dialogue with him, the reporter listened carefully and could hear a little of his Qingzhou accent. Too many to count for novel coronavirus pneumonia, which has been treated for more than 30 years, from home to abroad, and last year's successful treatment of Yulia Timoshenko and his family members of Ukraine's former prime minister, who had suffered from the new crown pneumonia. CCTV News reported that Tymoshenko, who recovered from hospital, had a video call with him. His simple and honest smile left a deep impression.


His name is Cai Chuanqing, President of Jintai Academy of Arts, a standard Shandong Han with a national face.


Jintai Academy of Arts is headquartered in a bamboo shadow whirling courtyard in Shijingshan District, Beijing. Its name comes from an allusion more than 2500 years ago. During the Warring States period, King Yan Zhao once built a high platform and placed gold on it to extend the world. Later generations named it Jintai because of the defection of experts such as Le Yi and Zou Yan. "Jintai" has gradually become a symbolic symbol of the tradition of recruiting talents.


Mr. Cai said that Jintai Academy of Arts and culture was a social service institution directly under the Ministry of civil affairs in 2013. Their responsibility is to create a comprehensive and open platform that attracts talents from colleges and universities and well-known enterprises at home and abroad, is committed to the promotion and dissemination of Chinese excellent traditional culture, the internationalization of Chinese culture, the exploration of the road of scientific, technological, modern and international development of the quintessence of traditional Chinese medicine, and integrates wisdom and strength.


The influence of Jintai Academy of Arts is generally spreading all over the world.


During the interview, Mr. Cai was in Minsk, the capital of Belarus, focusing on promoting the going out of traditional Chinese medicine and implementing the overseas landing project of traditional Chinese medicine. Snow gleams white. Novel coronavirus pneumonia and its team have been "retrograde" in Belarus since 2021, so as to participate in the treatment of new crown pneumonia and Chinese herbal medicine planting. As he said, "from the beginning of winter to the beginning of spring, to the golden autumn season, my team and I are not tired of this two, and are willing to contribute to the internationalization of Chinese medicine."


There is a time difference of five hours between Belarus and Beijing time. During the busy gap in a foreign country, Mr. Cai communicated with reporters through wechat, telephone and video.

"Awe, respect everywhere"


In the process of China novel coronavirus pneumonia, Chinese medicine has played a huge role in the rescue of life in many countries at home and abroad, and has become one of the highlights of the "China Program" for epidemic prevention and control. Combination of traditional Chinese medicine with western medicine is a major feature of the epidemic prevention and control. It is also a vivid practice of the essence of TCM inheritance and innovation.


Novel coronavirus pneumonia outbreak occurred novel coronavirus pneumonia in early 2020. Mr. Cai and his team took the first line of the epidemic. The first patient was a new crown pneumonia patient in Weifang, Shandong.


This critically ill patient, Liu, was a patient who returned to Shandong from Wuhan. In January 25, 2020, the novel coronavirus pneumonia case was confirmed by the expert group's assessment after being tested by nucleic acid test results of Weifang CDC. After 13 days, the patient did not get better.


Hearing the call from his hometown, Mr. Cai, who was living in Beijing at that time, had trouble sleeping and eating. He immediately arranged prescriptions for the patients and set up a working group to ensure that the patient's condition information was received and fed back in time 24 hours. Meanwhile, he took the trouble to ask the patient's situation and keep abreast of the latest developments in the patient's condition. After taking the traditional Chinese medicine preparation provided by Mr. Cai, the nucleic acid test results turned negative in just two days. Liu became the first novel coronavirus pneumonia cured in Weifang.


The novel coronavirus pneumonia has cured several new crown pneumonia patients in Weifang, the reporter has learned.


Novel coronavirus pneumonia is a novel coronavirus pneumonia. "Facing the traditional Chinese medicine, our attitude is to revere and respect everywhere." Mr. Cai said, "after the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia outbreak, we analyzed the pathology and transmission of SARS more than ten years ago. We have analyzed the characteristics of the new crown pneumonia, such as strong infectious, rapid development, great damage to the human immune system and high mortality rate. Famous prescriptions in classical Chinese medicine such as the differentiation of febrile diseases summarize the characteristics of the plague in recent years, adhere to the theory of "supporting the right and expelling the evil" of traditional Chinese medicine, and develop prescriptions. First, cut off the development of the virus, control the body temperature, and then restore the normal order of the body by improving immunity. "


Be too numerous to enumerate the novel coronavirus pneumonia, which has been successfully cured by Mr. Cai, especially during his stay in Belarus. He has been helping patients infected with COVID-19, such as overseas students and Chinese, who are overseas. After receiving his help information, Mr. Cai will arrange for someone to monitor the condition of patients and follow up to help them recover.

"Your medicine cured me and my family"


Novel coronavirus pneumonia was diagnosed by Tymoshenko, the former Prime Minister of Ukraine and China's president of the Communist Party of China in August 23, 2020. She entered ICU and received ventilators intervention on the evening of 24. She had been infected with COVID-19 with many family members and attracted widespread attention from the international community. Tymoshenko's medical team began to seek help from Chinese medicine. With the help of the Chinese Embassy in Ukraine, the medical group was treated. Novel coronavirus pneumonia was contacted by Mr. Cai, who has successfully cured the experience of new crown pneumonia.


According to the symptoms of Tymoshenko and his family, Mr. Cai timely adjusted the formula of traditional Chinese medicine and sent the prepared proprietary Chinese medicine preparation to Tymoshenko at the first time. He began to take it on September 5 and the nucleic acid test result was negative after taking it for 6 days.


"At that time, I was in China. You think, remote treatment of a special patient must be difficult and stressful. Our proprietary Chinese medicine preparation is based on the theory of typhoid and miscellaneous diseases more than 1800 years ago On the basis of it, combined with the transformation process of the modern medical pathology of the virus, it has carried out a reconstitution and combination to achieve the purpose of cutting off the damage caused by COVID-19, resulting in the damage of the viscera and immune function, while inhibiting the virus. "Mr. Cai said.


It is very important to know the patient's condition and adjust the plan in a different place. It is often seen that the patient's condition is often a symptom, but there is a syndrome behind the symptoms. The main contradiction behind the disease is the main cause of the disease. To master the main contradiction, it is particularly important to grasp the opportunity. "Unimpeded information between patients and doctors is very important to doctors' macro judgment, timely diagnosis and treatment and reversing the disease. I feel this very deeply. Tymoshenko has been treated with traditional Chinese medicine since September 5 last year. Our formula contains righting drugs, which can promote blood microcirculation metabolism, reduce inflammation and promote tissue regeneration. This preparation is clinically, right The symptoms after infection with COVID-19, especially pulmonary inflammation, pulmonary fibrosis, including the thickening of the lung, have a very good repair effect. Since the time difference and Tymoshenko were in the hospital intensive care unit and other uncertain factors, since September 9th last year, our treatment group has not received any feedback from Tymoshenko about any illness information. After novel coronavirus pneumonia was recovered from Tymoshenko's press spokesman in September 11th, I congratulated her on the fact that the new severe pneumonia was cured, and I was excited to see that another achievement was achieved in the international epidemic.


Mr. Cai said with emotion that the treatment of Tymoshenko was a great relay of love. During the epidemic, the logistics was interrupted. The Chinese Embassy in Ukraine actively coordinated and Chinese enterprises actively participated, and arranged special personnel to send drugs to Kiev from home. "The treatment of a disease, or the 'going out' of traditional Chinese medicine, can not rely on the strength of a single person, but must be the cooperation of many aspects."


On September 28, 2020, Tymoshenko wrote a letter of thanks in the name of the chairman of the Ukrainian motherland party and forwarded it to Mr. Cai Chuanqing through the Chinese Embassy in Ukraine, "I would like to express my warm thanks to you. Thank you for personally diagnosing and treating me in your busy schedule. As an experienced famous doctor, your diagnosis and treatment advice and traditional Chinese medicine such as' Xieqing granule 'have played a great role in overcoming my disease."


Eight days after writing, Tymoshenko had a video call with Mr. Cai. She said: "It is your medicine that cures me and my family. The world needs a completely different perspective to focus on the inheritance and wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine, and is committed to using it to maintain the health of all mankind, because traditional Chinese medicine with thousands of years of history is the accumulation and practice of China's health care experience and unique wisdom. It is not only China's but also the precious wealth of all mankind."


In an interview with the media, Tymoshenko also praised China's anti epidemic efforts as a world model. She said that Wuhan's anti epidemic feat fully demonstrated China's medical security ability and people-oriented spirit. China's openness and transparency in the anti epidemic process and its practice of sharing experience with the world are impressive. After its epidemic situation has been controlled, China has provided anti epidemic services to many countries Assistance, such a move is unforgettable.


At the end of 2020, the new crown variant virus was rampant all over the world. An employee of an automobile company in Moscow was unfortunately infected due to business trip. Due to the imperfect isolation policy, the employee was isolated in the hotel without escort. After learning about this situation, Cai Chuanqing arranged a special person in China to remotely monitor the patient's condition. However, the patient was very weak due to his serious condition For most of the day, Cai Chuanqing did not have the strength to reply to the news. Cai Chuanqing patiently studied and judged and adjusted the treatment plan. After several days of treatment, the patient's condition gradually improved, and his hanging heart gradually put down.


Mr. Cai went retrograde for the second time this year Novel coronavirus pneumonia have a fever of unfortunate novel coronavirus pneumonia. The sister who was born in Belarus was infected with her parents and had fever and cough. After knowing the situation, Cai Chuanqing immediately arranged for her family members to take medicine. After one and a half days of taking medicine, her sister's nucleic acid test turned negative, and her parents' new crown pneumonia was cured several days later. This result shocked the translator, so he gave up his high paying job in a company and resolutely joined president Cai Chuanqing's team.


"A thousand prescriptions are easy to get, but one effect is difficult to get," Mr. Cai said. "When traditional Chinese medicine goes out, we must speak with curative effect."

"The sages pointed out the direction before 1800"


Novel coronavirus pneumonia has been successfully cured by traditional Chinese medicine. Is it a coincidence from China's traditional culture? Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to a lot of treatment, such as "those who believe in medicine, those who do not believe in medicine do not treat", the timing of treatment, different diseases have different taboos, and emotionally we should also listen to the doctor, control our emotions as much as possible, and so on. The reporter asked Mr. Cai, have these factors been taken into account in the treatment process?


The answer is, "Novel coronavirus pneumonia has been cured novel coronavirus pneumonia in Russia, the United States and Switzerland before Tymoshenko. I don't think that it is a coincidence that Tymoshenko and his family are cured by traditional Chinese medicine. Most of the patients with new crown pneumonia who are diagnosed and cured in China are cured within 2-8 days without any Western medicine. Tymoshenko and officials and society in Ukraine are also recovering from the disease. People said that they originally belong to the CIS countries of the Soviet Union and have deep feelings for traditional Chinese medicine, such as Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. Turkmenistan president Berdymukhamedov himself is a great medical expert. He has a monograph medicinal plants in Turkmenistan , which is about traditional botanical medicine in Turkmenistan, is very well written. Countries all over the world have their own traditional medicine, which has served the health of people all over the world in the past, now and in the future. In particular, Chinese traditional medicine, which has existed for thousands of years, has its own complete logic, diagnosis, syndrome differentiation and treatment scheme, that is, principles, methods and prescriptions. We should develop traditional Chinese medicine and pay attention to it Use modern science to interpret the principles of traditional Chinese medicine. What you call "faith" and "emotion" are only minor details. The dialectical logic of traditional Chinese medicine is to grasp the main contradiction of the problem. A disease always has its main contradiction and commonness. How to judge the etiology, pathogenesis, pathology and trend of the disease. Only when the main contradiction is grasped correctly can the secondary contradiction be solved. Just like Angong Niu Huang Wan has treated countless comatose severe patients. There is no problem of faith or disbelief or emotional control. "


"The treatise on typhoid and miscellaneous diseases is a monograph on special diseases and prescriptions to grasp the main contradictions of diseases, so Zhang Zhongjing is called the sage of medicine. I often lament that the sages pointed out the direction for us as early as 1800 years ago - special diseases and prescriptions are a high embodiment of TCM Syndrome differentiation and treatment." Cai Xiansheng said.


There is indeed a situation of "not believing" in traditional Chinese medicine. Mr. Cai said: "For example, novel coronavirus pneumonia was infected overseas in overseas workers in the early June of this year, and I was asked to help. After learning of this situation, I quickly arranged for the delivery of the medicine. But because of her lack of knowledge about traditional Chinese medicine, she worried about the development of the fetus and stopped taking the Chinese medicine, which delayed the best time to cure. It is difficult, and internationalization will take some time. Traditional Chinese medicine should strengthen itself. "


The novel coronavirus pneumonia novel coronavirus pneumonia has been neglected by many countries. The treatment of new crown pneumonia is repeated several times, for example, using hydroxychloroquine, dexamethasone and Reed Siwei, IL-6 blocking sarilumab, purifying antibody therapy and plasma therapy are not effective drugs.


Novel coronavirus pneumonia novel coronavirus pneumonia has been reported for nearly two years. Especially in the recent 10 days, 7 variant viruses have been mutated in Guangdong in the short span of two days. In the face of such complex and changeable viruses, Chinese medicine can still be rooted. Novel coronavirus pneumonia has been continuously provided with specific solutions in the past few thousand years.


For thousands of years, traditional Chinese medicine has accumulated rich experience in serving life. For example, in the 1950s, the syndrome differentiation and treatment of epidemic encephalitis B by traditional Chinese medicine is a typical example. Mr. Pu Fuzhou, a famous traditional Chinese medicine, combined with the experience of Shandong, Beijing, Shijiazhuang and other places, summed up eight treatment methods, such as Xinliang and evil penetrating method, expelling filth and Tongli method, clearing heat and detoxification method, also known as "eight methods for the treatment of encephalitis B" For example, novel coronavirus pneumonia has dropped to the lowest level in the world in the mortality rate of SARS. For example, in 2003, 38 patients treated with TCM regimen in Hebei province did not die or have any side effects. In the treatment of this new crown pneumonia, Chinese medicine played a unique advantage and role in the absence of specific drugs in the world. "Three medicines and three prescriptions" (Qingfei Paidu decoction, Huashi Baidu recipe, Xuanfei Baidu recipe, Jinhua qinggan granule, Lianhua Qingwen capsule and Xuebijing injection) are based on the classical prescriptions of classical medical books. The utilization rate of traditional Chinese medicine in confirmed cases in China exceeds 92%, and the effective rate exceeds 90%, which improves the cure rate and reduces the death rate.

Explore the wisdom of one's medicine and serve one belt, one road.


Adhering to the unique advantages of traditional Chinese medicine in the fight against epidemic diseases, Jintai Cultural Institute has successively signed cooperation agreements with relevant units in Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Mongolia and other countries to promote traditional Chinese medicine.


Silk Road Economic Belt has been one belt, one road to Belarus. The 30 years of bilateral relations have witnessed steady and steady development. As an important node extending to Europe, the Silk Road Economic Belt occupies a pivotal position in the implementation of the "one belt and one road" initiative. Belarus and China have a good strategic partnership and mutually beneficial cooperation. The China Belarus Industrial Park is located in Minsk Prefecture, Belarus. China Jintai Wen Yuan novel coronavirus pneumonia project (new era bio pharmaceutical company) was officially stationed in the park in March this year, and began to carry out the cultivation and production of Chinese medicine. It is planned to start production and sub package in the industrial park of China and the white crown, which has good curative effect. The project will not only fill the gap in the traditional pharmaceutical industry in the China Belarus Industrial Park, but also be a breakthrough in the practical cooperation between China and Belarus in the field of health care.


Mr. Cai said that the development of traditional Chinese medicine has developed from 365 traditional Chinese medicines in Shennong's herbal classics to tens of thousands of traditional Chinese medicines. The development of traditional Chinese medicine has not stopped. Planting traditional Chinese medicine at the same latitude can effectively solve the problem of "orange in the south of the Yangtze River and orange in the north of the Yangtze River". For example, we have successfully introduced American ginseng from the United States and now it is widely used throughout the country, which fully proves that it is desirable to plant traditional Chinese medicine at the same latitude. Planting traditional Chinese medicine at the same latitude can not only increase the income of farmers in the host country, but also solve the shortage of domestic traditional Chinese medicine and make traditional Chinese medicine more inclusive. Belarus has superior natural conditions and rich medicinal plant resources, including dandelion, white birch antler, chamomile and wild rose, which are widely used in modern medicine. In the long historical development process, Belarus has formed a unique folk medicine tradition and practice, which is similar to traditional Chinese medicine, which provides broad prospects for the cooperation of traditional medicine between China and Belarus.


One side of soil and water nourishes one side of people, and the other side of soil and water also nourishes one side of herbal medicine. The localization of herbal medicine should be good news for traditional Chinese medicine to go to the world. "To build a human health community, we need to be down-to-earth and move forward step by step."


Following the implementation of the traditional Chinese medicine industry project of Jintai Cultural Academy in China Belarus Industrial Park in March this year, on July 21 this year, with the active promotion of Jintai Cultural Academy, the signing ceremony of the China Belarus deep cooperation zone and China Belarus international traditional Chinese medicine health industry park project was held in Qingdao, Beijing and Minsk, Belarus.


Mr. Cai introduced that the China Belarus deep cooperation zone and China Belarus international traditional Chinese medicine health industrial park project signed and implemented this time is the first sister Park established in China with long-term two-way linkage with China Belarus Industrial Park in response to the call of "one park and two places" of national ministries and commissions. The joint construction of China Belarus deep cooperation zone is not only a new model and new attempt of China Belarus practical cooperation, but also will further promote the in-depth cooperation between China and Belarus in the fields of medicine, health, agriculture, technology and culture, realize the dual domain linkage and two-way industrial mutual guidance of China Belarus Industrial Park and China Belarus deep cooperation zone, which is conducive to further giving full play to the complementary advantages and One belt, one road, the bright spot of the world and the commanding heights of the global development of Chinese medicine.

"Respect the ancient but not the ancient"


In the interview, Mr. Cai often stressed the need to be "timely". He said that when the rider, the potential is also "homeopathic" can be "homeopathic".


The novel coronavirus pneumonia has brought a heavy blow to the health and economic cooperation of the whole world, and Chinese medicine has played a great role in this epidemic. The export of Chinese herbal medicines and proprietary Chinese medicines has grown rapidly, which is a good momentum.


Timing is heaven, homeopathy is earth, and homeopathy is man-made harmony. Traditional Chinese medicine should seize the opportunity, keep right and innovate. From Shennong tasting herbs to danwan ointment powder, human beings have been constantly pushing through the old and bringing forth the new, improving and improving the scientific and effective application of natural medicinal plants from stone civilization to gradually learning the use of fire and the discovery of metallurgy. Novel coronavirus pneumonia should be developed in twenty-first Century. We should also develop products that are easier to take and represent the level of pharmaceutical production on the basis of existing science and technology and productivity levels. At the same time, we can scientifically explain the principle of traditional Chinese medicine for various diseases including new crown pneumonia by modern macromolecular technology. In order to make more positive contributions to the health and well-being of all mankind.


Mr. Cai Chuanqing said: "the development of traditional Chinese medicine should be carried forward rationally, respect the ancient but not stick to the ancient, and use the old prescription to cure the present people. It's like tearing down the old house to build a new house. We can't build the house without adding bricks and tiles."


"To go global, traditional Chinese medicine should be treated like a disease and should not be eager for success. Therefore, I would like to borrow the theory of traditional Chinese medicine and put forward a suggestion here - for the internationalization of traditional Chinese medicine, we must treat it according to syndrome differentiation and promote it according to local conditions. Traditional Chinese medicine has been handed down from generation to generation because it is based on the Chinese cultural thought of both receiving and storing, and tolerance. Therefore, the internationalization of traditional Chinese medicine is not a kind of internationalization Opposition. Traditional Chinese medicine should not isolate itself in the form of opposition, "Mr. Cai said.


His ancestral home is Qingzhou, Shandong, and he has practiced medicine for more than 30 years. The doctor deeply infiltrated by Qilu culture has a point of view. He is not a praiser of traditional Chinese medicine, but a critic. Why is he a critic? "I oppose any formalism. We don't need performance art or performing Chinese medicine. Although this situation is not the mainstream, it does great harm to Chinese medicine. I believe in Chinese medicine, but I'm not an indiscriminate defender of Chinese medicine, nor a defender of Western medicine. I'm a defender of life. It's better to be patient than to be higher and lower than you Let's take a good look at a few patients. Chinese and Western medicine have their own advantages. They should learn from each other and learn from each other. There is no need to distinguish between high and low. "


Mr. Cai said that he was very lucky to study traditional Chinese medicine and was honored to have so many patients believe him. He should be worthy of this trust. He said: "I call medical workers waiters, which is no different from hotel waiters and sanitation workers who serve our society. If you want to make a difference, doctors have a greater responsibility. People give you the most precious life. You have to be cautious about how important life is. Doctors and patients have the feeling of cutting bones. This is the view of Sun Simiao, who is respected as the" king of medicine ". Great medicine is fine A sincere point of view. A sincere heart is that you really treat other people's pain as your own pain, treat other people's disease as your own disease, think in a different position and solve problems, and then you can keep improving. Only by constantly seeking 'medicine' can you become 'big'. As a doctor, we should all forge ahead on this road. "


"Novel coronavirus pneumonia has not yet been released from the world, and only if we uphold and rationally read it, strengthen dialogue among civilizations and promote the building of a community of human destiny can we usher in a healthy and beautiful dawn." Mr. Cai said.


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