The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported that Ambassador Xie Xiaoyong attended the press conference on Traditional Chinese medicine products of the China-Belarus Industrial Park and the signing ceremony of the cooperation agreement between the Park and delivered a speech

发布于: 2021-11-09 14:45

  On November 5, 2021, Chinese Ambassador to Belarus Xie Xiaoyong attended the press conference on Traditional Chinese Medicine products of China-Belarus Industrial Park and the signing ceremony of the Cooperation Agreement of the Park and delivered a speech. Belarusian First Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Snopkov, Ambassador To China Sergei Shenko, Deputy Minister of Economy Sergei Nijina, Deputy Minister of Health Sergei Androsiuk, Consul General in Shanghai Sergei Andreyev, Director of the China-Belarus Industrial Park Management Committee Sergei Yaroshenko, And China Ren Hongbin, deputy director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, the central government in the Macao special administrative region, deputy director of the liaison office of yao jian, vice mayor of Qingdao city in shandong province Luan, Xinhua News Agency and new party members, the secretary-general GongXiXiang, administration of traditional Chinese medicine, director-general of the department of international cooperation Wu Zhendou Ding Hongxiang deputy general manager, the machine group, China merchants group deputy general manager li haiyan, nan yue set Zhou Xingting, chairman of the Delegation, Luo Yan, Chairman of china-Belarus Industrial Park Joint Venture Development Company, Yan Gang, General Manager of China-Belarus Industrial Park Joint Venture Development Company, CAI Chuanqing, president of Jintai Cultural Institute and other Chinese and foreign representatives attended the above activities on site or via video.



  Ambassador Xie first extended warm congratulations on the official release of china-Belarus cooperation anti-epidemic drugs on the first day of the fourth China International Import Expo. He pointed out that TCM is a beautiful name card of Chinese civilization and embodies the profound knowledge and wisdom of the ancestors of the Chinese nation on the environment, people and diseases. As COVID-19 continues to ravage the world, there is a great need for effective, convenient and low-cost COVID-19 treatments when vaccine protection is less than 100 percent effective. Medical research and anti-epidemic practices in China and abroad have shown that TRADITIONAL Chinese medicine is not only effective in treating mild and ordinary FORMS of COVID-19, but also has significant advantages in treating severe cases, reducing the fatality rate of severe cases from 21% to 5%. The "Clear Epidemic capsule" developed by The Jintai Cultural Institute of China has proved to be effective in treating patients in Belarus and neighboring countries, alleviating their pain and bringing them vitality and hope.

  Ambassador, said xie jin tai wen yuan from February 9, China to launch a "new era" of biotechnology company in white industrial park in signing ceremony, on October 14, to the company research and development of the new champions league specific capsule "epidemic" belarus ministry of health issued an emergency use permission, a record eight months of the time. The successful design of the "qing plague capsule" and in white smoothly approved is both the relevant departments and the joint efforts of enterprises, the result of close cooperation, is a breakthrough in medical and health cooperation between the two countries, the century under the outbreak white firm developing comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries in the vivid practice, not only to the outbreak of white cooperation in the fight against the new champions league, protect people's life safety is of great significance, At the same time, it also brings good news and a joint solution between China and Belarus to the global fight against COVID-19.

  Ambassador Xie stressed that the approval of "Anti-epidemic capsule" in Belarus marks a key step forward in china-Belarus cooperation in traditional Chinese medicine, and the cooperation between the two sides in this field enjoys broad prospects. It is hoped that with the strong support and assistance of relevant belarusian authorities, the anti-epidemic drugs of the "New Era" biotechnology company can be put into production in the China-Belarus Industrial Park as soon as possible, and play a positive role in the complete victory over the epidemic in Belarus and neighboring countries at an early date. At the same time, it will also create favorable conditions for more Chinese TCM enterprises to settle in the China-Belarus Industrial Park, the Pearl project of the belt and Road, and build a strong TCM industrial cluster, a china-Belarus health community and a new growth point of china-Belarus practical cooperation.



  Belarus First Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Snopkov said in his speech that on June 11, 2021, President Alexander Lukashenka signed a new presidential Decree on improving the business environment of the Industrial Park, which provides a series of institutional facilities for the development of cooperation in medical and traditional Chinese medicine in the industrial park. This year, the Ministry of Health of Belarus completed the registration of the first Chinese medicine for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 in Belarus in a very short period of time, which made its debut at the CiIE in Shanghai. It is hoped that the "New Era" biotech company will seize this opportunity and organize the drug production in the China-Belarus Industrial Park as soon as possible, so as to help the park build a pharmaceutical industry cluster, effectively allocate and rationally utilize resources of all parties, improve the popularization of drugs, and make positive contributions to building a community of human health.

  Belarusian Ambassador to China Andrei Shenko pointed out that in the context of epidemic prevention and control and overcoming its negative impact, health and medical issues have become a key concern of all countries. Belarus and China have made great efforts to obtain the registration of TCM drugs in Belarus with high enthusiasm and firm determination, which is a key step for the two countries to build china-Belarus industrial Park pharmaceutical industry cluster in the future based on tradition and innovation. Belarus Deputy Minister of Economy Ninjina said that the investment and scientific and technological cooperation between Belarus and China is focused on the China-Belarus Industrial Park, and the successful release of "Qingfu Capsule", a Traditional Chinese medicine, has created conditions for building a strong regional cooperation center of TRADITIONAL Chinese medicine and building industrial clusters of medical products and services in the park. Bai Weisheng vice minister Wednesday said, under the sponsorship of the ministry of health, the government passed on the strategically important medicines for national registration law, approved by traditional Chinese medicine "qing plague capsule" in white emergency licensing, help to expand the friendly cooperation between the two countries in the field of health in white. Yaroshenko, director of the Management Committee of the China-Belarus Industrial Park, said that the development and construction of the Industrial Park did not slow down during the epidemic period, and investment investment was carried out in an orderly manner. The new legislative work was successfully completed. The committee will create all necessary conditions for the "Anti-epidemic capsule" to be put into operation at an early date.

  Ren Hongbin, deputy Director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC), pointed out that the joint release of TRADITIONAL Chinese medicine products by enterprises of the two countries on the platform of China-Belarus Industrial Park is a vivid practice of jointly building the "Healthy Silk Road". It is hoped that central enterprises will unswervingly follow the road of cooperation, openness and win-win results while participating in the high-quality development of the Belt and Road and continuously promoting the construction of the China-Belarus Industrial Park. , deputy director of the central government's liaison office of the Macao special administrative region, said yao jian, represented by nan yue group of Chinese companies in macau is actively carried out with "neighbourhood" all the way along the country's industry of traditional Chinese medicine and cultural exchanges, and believe that the signing of the cooperation agreement to promote the interaction of the two sides of Chinese medicine industry resources, complementary industrial policy enjoyment is of great significance. Gong Xixiang, secretary general of Xinhua News Agency, said that as a national and global news agency, Xinhua will join hands with all parties to successfully hold the World Traditional Medicine culture Development Forum and make new contributions to the health and well-being of mankind. Luan Xin, deputy mayor of Qingdao, pointed out that Qingdao is speeding up the construction of a demonstration zone for local economic and trade cooperation between China and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and would like to take this event as an opportunity to highlight Qingdao's advantages in the field of biomedicine and continuously promote the internationalization of TRADITIONAL Chinese medicine. The machine group deputy general manager Ding Hongxiang said, as white industrial park in large shareholders, group attaches great importance to the cooperation with belarus development in various fields, actively practice of jinping general secretary put forward the strategy of "going out" of traditional Chinese medicine, established the "going out" of traditional Chinese medicine group, continuously explore the road of industrialization, modernization and internationalization of traditional Chinese medicine.



Later, the launching ceremony of the World Traditional Medicine Culture Development Forum and the signing ceremony of five cooperation agreements were also held at the event site.


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