COVID-19 Special Chinese medicine "outside Minsk" -- An overseas exploration of Chinese medicine promoted by Jintai Academy of Arts

发布于: 2021-11-07 15:23

  On November 5, the China-Belarus Industrial Park held a press conference on TRADITIONAL Chinese medicine products and the signing ceremony of the park cooperation agreement in Shanghai, releasing traditional Chinese medicine products for the treatment of COVID-19, demonstrating the major achievements of china-Belarus cooperation in fighting the epidemic.

  The black plague capsule by China jin tai wen courtyard medicine industry project research and development of biological medicine company (new era), in the suburb of belarus capital Minsk in white industrial park production, filled the gap of white industrial park in the traditional medicine industry, the park will also establish cultural exchange center and traditional medicine diagnosis and treatment center, And expanding the range of medicines produced using local herbs and plant materials.

  Kintai Has promoted traditional medicine to go abroad, deepened exchanges and cooperation with countries co-building the Belt and Road initiative, and promoted the beneficial exploration of building a community with a shared future for mankind. People in the industry believe that more enterprises and institutions should participate in the internationalization of TCM, promote the integrity and innovation of TCM, and combine it with modern technology, so as to play a more important role in the global COVID-19 outbreak and benefit people all over the world.

Special Chinese medicine becomes foreign strategic medicine

  Qingqing Capsule originated from the classic prescription in treatise on Febrillosis, a traditional Chinese medicine classic written 1,800 years ago. It is a new formulation of novel Coronavirus characteristics based on the successful experience in fighting malignant infectious diseases recorded in traditional Chinese medicine classics and modern medicine. It was granted the emergency drug use license by the Ministry of Health of Belarus on October 14, 2021. It has successfully treated a large number of COVID-19 patients and become an important strategic drug in Belarus.

  In recent years, China and Belarus have conducted many explorations and practices in promoting exchanges and cooperation in the field of traditional medicine. Belarus has a unique folk medicine tradition and practice that is similar to traditional Chinese medicine. The rich resources of local medicinal plants, including dandelion, betula platyphylla, chamomile and wild rose, which are widely used in modern medicine, offer broad prospects for cooperation in traditional medicine between China and Belarus.

  The China-Belarus Industrial Park is a key economic and trade cooperation project jointly proposed and promoted by the leaders of China and Belarus. With the support of relevant government departments of the two countries, the China-Belarus Industrial Park has gradually become an industrial gathering platform for China and Belarus to expand regional cooperation and economic and trade exchanges, as well as an international production capacity cooperation and technological innovation platform under the Belt and Road Initiative. Up to now, 80 companies have entered the park, including New Era Biotechnology Co., LTD., which develops and produces anti-epidemic drugs.

  As a social service institution directly under the approval of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, Jintai Cultural Institute has been committed to exploring the path of scientific, modern and international development of traditional Chinese medicine since its establishment. "In spite of the epidemic, our team went back to Minsk twice and actively promoted in-depth cooperation in planting, r&d and production of TRADITIONAL Chinese medicine in Belarus and Russia." CAI Chuanqing, president of the Institute, said they would organize the production of qingfu capsules in the China-Belarus Industrial park.

  "TCM is now known as an effective means in the prevention and treatment of novel coronavirus infections." Speaking at the launch of the new drug, Nikolai Snopkov, first Deputy Prime Minister of Belarus, said that in a very short time, the Ministry of Health of Belarus registered the clear capsule as a strategic drug of belarus for the prevention and treatment of novel Coronavirus.

  In June 2021, the Republic of Belarus signed a presidential decree on improving business conditions in the China-Belarus Industrial Park. According to the presidential decree, in the China-Belarus Industrial Park, enterprises can use traditional Chinese medicine to provide medical services without having to go through the mandatory registration of Belarus and obtaining the license for medical activities. "We see the future of the pharmaceutical industry in the combination of TCM wisdom and technological innovation." Nikolai Snopkov said.

  CAI chuanqing said that jintai Cultural Institute will take the opportunity of the successful cooperation between China and Belarus in the development of special Chinese medicine to treat COVID-19 as an opportunity to vigorously promote the production of TCM anti-epidemic drugs in the China-Belarus Industrial Park and the TCM diagnosis and treatment center, and combine the ethnic medicine of the two countries with modern science and technology to better serve the people of China, Belarus and the world.

      "Keeping integrity and Innovation" in the Process of Internationalization

  When the epidemic spread around the world, TCM's experience in fighting the disease went abroad and helped the global fight against the disease. It is widely believed that in order to expand its influence, TCM should inherit its essence, uphold innovation, seize the opportunity to go further into the world and enhance internationalization, which is one of the development goals of KINtai Academy of Arts.

  In recent years, the Institute has grasped the unique advantages of TCM in fighting COVID-19 and signed cooperation agreements on TCM promotion with relevant institutions in Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Mongolia and other countries.

  CAI said that the COVID-19 epidemic has dealt a heavy blow to the lives and health of all mankind and economic and trade cooperation around the world. Traditional Chinese medicine has played a huge role in the raging epidemic, and the rapid growth of the export of Traditional Chinese medicine and proprietary Chinese medicine is an opportunity for TRADITIONAL Chinese medicine to uphold innovation and serve the people of the world.

  "We are promoting the localization of herbal medicine, which is of great significance for TCM to reach out to the world." CAI chuanqing believes that planting traditional Chinese medicine at the same latitude can effectively solve the problem of "orange in the south and Orange in the north". For example, China has successfully introduced American ginseng from the United States, and it is now widely used throughout the country. Planting traditional Chinese medicine at the same latitude can increase the income of farmers in the host country and solve the shortage of traditional Chinese medicine in China, making traditional Chinese medicine more universally beneficial.

  Respect the ancient, but not mud. The Chinese Medicine Industry project team led by CAI Chuanqing is committed to developing products that are easier to take and more representative of the current pharmaceutical level on the basis of the existing science and technology and productivity level, and at the same time, can scientifically explain the principle of the treatment of various diseases including COVID-19 by using modern macromolecular technology. "We must treat it based on syndrome differentiation and promote it according to local conditions. TCM has survived generations because it is based on Chinese cultural ideas that are inclusive and tolerant." He said.

  "Chinese medicine should not only go abroad, but also be recognized by people around the world." CAI said that the internationalization of TRADITIONAL Chinese medicine calls for more platforms for exchanges, promoting dialogue among civilizations and building a community with a shared future for mankind.

  On the day of the release of qingfu capsule, THE Institute announced that it would jointly host the "World Traditional Medicine Culture Development Forum" in 2022 with the National Brand Engineering Office of Xinhua News Agency and the China-Belarus Industrial Park, and held the launching ceremony of the forum. Through this forum, we will bring together the strength of Chinese and foreign people from all walks of life, spread traditional Chinese medicine culture, deepen the integration and mutual learning of traditional Chinese medicine in the world, and speed up the pace of traditional Chinese medicine and Traditional Chinese culture going global.

  "Today's TCM is an organic combination of tradition and innovation, attracting the attention of more and more countries and people around the world." Yuri Shenko, Belarusian Ambassador to China, believed that with the attention and support of the belarusian and Chinese governments, the Chinese medicine project will surely develop well and further explore the two major markets of the Eurasian Economic Union and the European Union.

   "Organizing groups" to promote TCM to the world

  The successful development of Qingfu capsule in China-Belarus Industrial Park is the fruit of the Chinese medicine industry project of Jintai Cultural Institute with the support of the relevant government departments of the two countries. Its successful exploration of promoting TCM overseas has enabled more and more enterprises to see opportunities and join the international cooperation on TCM under the belt and Road Initiative.

  At the signing ceremony of china-Belarus Industrial Park cooperation recently, Jintai Cultural Institute, New Era Biotechnology Co., LTD and Nanyue Group signed a cooperation agreement. Zhou Xingting, chairman of Nanyue Group, introduced that Nanyue Group and Jintai Cultural Institute will jointly build a service platform for the whole industrial chain of international TRADITIONAL Chinese medicine, and will jointly register, declare, produce and transform innovative Chinese medicine such as "Linglan Qingqing" in Macao Nanyue Science Park.

  Qingdao Hetao Sub-district, Hongtou Holding Group and Zhongheng Glory (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. signed the settlement agreement for the headquarters of Linglan Qingqing granules and the Chinese manufacturing center in Chengyang District, Qingdao, Shandong.

  Yao Jian, deputy Director of liaison Office of macau, said at the signing ceremony that Australia-based Nanyao Group actively participates in the in-depth integration and exchange of TRADITIONAL Chinese medicine products and cultures of countries along the "Belt and Road", and provides customized services such as new drug registration and application in Australia, r&d, conversion and manufacturing, and global diversified sales for global industry customers. It will contribute to the high-quality development of traditional Chinese medicine industry in Guangdong and Macao cooperation.

  As central enterprises and major shareholders of China-Belarus Industrial Park, China National Aviation Machinery Group and China Merchants Group have earnestly fulfilled their responsibilities and played a leading role in advancing the important deployment of TCM going global by the Central government in recent years.

  Ding Hongxiang, deputy general manager of China National Machinery Industry Group, said that in response to the call of the Chinese Embassy in Belarus, China National Machinery Group donated urgently needed anti-epidemic supplies to the Belarusian government as soon as possible after the outbreak of the epidemic last year. It has also actively implemented the strategy of TCM going global, set up a working group on TCM going Global, and actively explored the path of TCM industrialization, modernization and internationalization.

  "We hope that more TCM enterprises can go abroad and accelerate the expansion of international COOPERATION in TCM." Li Bai 'an, deputy general manager of Oriental Merchants Group, said that the China-Belarus Industrial Park will invest more resources to build a platform for regional cooperation of TRADITIONAL Chinese medicine and play a leading role in the successful cooperation of Traditional Chinese medicine in the belt and Road initiative.

  The release of the capsule was widely reported. Yuri Shenko said that this convinced him that the China-Belarus Industrial Park has taken a very important step towards the development of the future pharmaceutical industrial cluster industrial park based on traditional medicine and technological innovation.

  "Traditional Chinese medicine belongs to Both China and the world." Ren Hongbin, deputy director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, said in his speech that he hoped that more enterprises of the two countries could rely on the china-Belarus Industrial Park platform to realize complementary advantages in capital, technology, products and markets and make positive contributions to bilateral economic and trade cooperation and high-quality development.



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