CAI Chuanqing: When traditional Chinese medicine goes global, its curative effect speaks for itself

发布于: 2021-10-15 07:59

"From the snowy days of late winter and early spring to the golden days of Mid-Autumn, my team and I are always happy to contribute our share to the internationalization of TCM."

CAI Chuanqing: When traditional Chinese medicine goes global, its curative effect speaks for itself



Photo ① : CAI Chuanqing speaks at the promotion meeting of "Medical Device and Drug Access Manual". Photo 2: Yuri Shenko, Belarus Ambassador to China, visited Jintai Cultural Center on May 15. Photo 3: Signing ceremony of memorandum of Cooperation between Jintai Cultural Institute and Belarusian Health Identification Center.

Weekend personage · Chinese news column

With him is a fellow weifang, reporters in dialogue with him, listen carefully, but also can hear a little of his Qingzhou accent. He has been a doctor for more than 30 years and has treated countless patients both at home and abroad. Last year, he attracted media attention for successfully treating former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko and her family who were suffering from COVID-19 with traditional Chinese medicine. CCTV news reported a video call between Tymoshenko, who had recovered from hospital, and him, and his candid smile left a deep impression.

His name is CAI Chuanqing, president of Jintai Academy of Arts, a standard Shandong han with a Chinese face.

Its headquarters is in a bamboo shadow dancing courtyard in Shijingshan District, Beijing. Its name comes from an allusion more than 2,500 years ago. During the Warring States Period, King Zhao of Yan built a high platform and set gold on it, which was extended to the world. Due to the defecting of yue Yi, Zou Yan and other eminent people, later generations became known as Jintai. "Jin Tai" slowly became a symbol of the tradition of ceaseless recruitment.

Mr. CAI said that jintai Cultural Center is a social service organization directly under the approval of the Ministry of Civil Affairs in 2013. Their responsibility is to create a comprehensive open platform to attract talents from universities and well-known enterprises at home and abroad, to promote and spread the excellent traditional Chinese culture, to internationalize Chinese culture, to explore the way of scientific, modern and international development of the quintessence of Traditional Chinese medicine, and to gather the wisdom and strength of all.

The influence of the Institute is rippling to all parts of the world.

At the time of the interview, Mr. CAI was in Minsk, the capital of Belarus, focusing on promoting the overseas application of Chinese medicine. In early 2021 to now, Mr CAI and his team twice "retrograde" belarus, participate in local COVID - 19 therapy and Chinese herbal medicine planting project, as he said: "from the early spring, snow to see everywhere golden Mid-Autumn season, my team, and I would like to contribute for the internationalization of Chinese medicine."

Belarus has a time difference of five hours from Beijing time. In the foreign country busy gap, Mr. CAI through wechat, phone, video and other ways to communicate with reporters.

"To be feared and respected everywhere."

In the fight against COVID-19, TCM has played a huge role in saving lives in many countries at home and abroad, making it one of the biggest highlights of China's epidemic prevention and control plan. The combination of traditional Chinese and western medicine and the combination of Chinese and western medicine is a major feature of the epidemic prevention and control. It is also a vivid practice of inheriting the essence of TRADITIONAL Chinese medicine and upholding integrity and innovation.

At the beginning of 2020, when the COVID-19 outbreak broke out, Mr. CAI and his team went to the front line of the fight against the epidemic. The first patients they treated were COVID-19 patients in Weifang, Shandong Province.

This critically ill patient - Liu mou from Wuhan returned to Shandong patients. On January 25, 2020, the nucleic acid test result of Weifang Center for Disease Control and Prevention was positive and confirmed as a COVID-19 case after evaluation by the expert group. After 13 days, the patient did not improve.

Hearing the call from his hometown, Mr. CAI, who was living in Beijing at that time, could not sleep easily. He immediately arranged prescriptions for the patients, and set up a working group to ensure that the patient's condition information at any time 24 hours and timely feedback. In the meantime, he took the trouble to inquire about the patient's condition and kept abreast of the latest developments of the patient's condition. After taking the traditional Chinese medicine preparation provided by Mr. CAI, the nucleic acid test result turned negative in just two days. Liu became the first CURED and discharged COVID-19 patient in Weifang.

The reporter learned that Mr. CAI's TCM preparation cured several COVID-19 patients in Weifang.

"When it comes to TCM, our attitude is to be in awe and Revere it everywhere." CAI said, "After the outbreak of COVID-19, we carried out a detailed analysis based on the pathology and transmission characteristics of SARS more than ten years ago. For COVID - 19, infectivity illness development faster, more destructive to the body's immune system, the fatality rate is high, combined with the "typhoid miscellaneous disease theory" and "warm disease Victoria square, in the classic of TCM, authors summarize the characteristics of plague in recent years, adhere to" foster the "theory of TCM, the formulas developed, truncation virus development first, control temperature, then through improving immunity, Get your body back in order.

Mr Chua has successfully treated countless COVID-19 patients. In particular, during his stay in Belarus, he helped overseas students, Chinese and other coronavirus patients. After receiving the patient's information for help, Mr. CAI will immediately arrange a special person to remotely monitor the patient's condition and follow up to help recovery.


"Your medicine cured me and my family."

On August 23, 2020, former Ukrainian Prime Minister and Chairwoman of the Fatherland Party Yulia Tymoshenko was diagnosed with COVID-19. On the evening of August 24, she was admitted to the intensive care unit and placed on a ventilator. The novel Coronavirus infection she and her family members contracted in succession attracted international attention. Tymoshenko's medical team turned to traditional Chinese medicine. With the help of the Chinese Embassy in Ukraine, the medical team got in touch with Mr. CAI, who has experience in successfully curing COVID-19.

According to the symptoms of Tymoshenko and her family, Mr. CAI adjusted the Chinese medicine formula in time and sent the prepared Chinese patent medicine to Tymoshenko immediately. After 6 days of continuous administration, the nucleic acid test result was negative.

"At that time, I was in China, and you can imagine that treating a special patient remotely must be very difficult and stressful. Our proprietary Chinese medicine preparation is based ona classic prescription of "On Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases" more than 1800 years ago. It is based on it and combined with the transformation process of modern medical pathology of virus, so as to block the damage of viscera and immune function caused by novel coronavirus and inhibit the virus at the same time." Mr. CAI said.

Living in different places, how to timely and effectively understand the patient's condition and then adjust the plan is crucial. Usually see the patient's condition is often a symptom, but there is a syndrome behind the symptoms, a syndrome is the main contradiction leading to the disease. To master the main contradiction, it is particularly important to grasp the opportunity. "The flow of information between patients and doctors is crucial for doctors to make macro judgments, timely diagnosis and treatment, and reverse the condition," CAI said. This is something I feel very strongly about. Tymoshenko has been receiving traditional Chinese medicine treatment since September 5 last year, and our formula includes the righting medicine, which can promote blood microcirculation metabolism, reduce inflammation and promote tissue regeneration. This preparation has a very good clinical effect in repairing the symptoms of novel coronavirus infection, especially lung inflammation and pulmonary fibrosis, including thickening of lung veins. Due to uncertain factors such as time difference and the fact that Tymoshenko was in the intensive care unit of the hospital, our treatment team couldn't get any feedback on tymoshenko's condition since September 9th last year. As a doctor, I felt very worried and anxious. It was not until September 11, after receiving news of tymoshenko's recovery from severe COVID-19 from her press spokesman, that I felt excited and happy for another achievement made by TRADITIONAL Chinese medicine in the international fight against COVID-19."

Mr. CAI said with emotion that treating Tymoshenko was a big relay of love. During the epidemic period, logistics were interrupted. The Chinese Embassy in Ukraine actively coordinated with Chinese enterprises and arranged special personnel to send medicine to Kiev from home. "The treatment of a disease, or the 'going out' of TCM, cannot rely on the strength of a single person, it must be the cooperation of many aspects."

On 28 September 2020, Tymoshenko wrote a letter of appreciation in the name of the Chairman of the Fatherland Party of Ukraine and forwarded it to Mr. CAI Chuanqing through the Chinese Embassy in Ukraine. "I would like to extend to you, in particular, my warm thanks. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to personally diagnose and treat me. As an experienced and famous doctor, your diagnosis and treatment advice and traditional Chinese medicine such as' Pestilence granules' have played a great role in my fight against the disease."

Eight days after the letter, Ms Tymoshenko spoke by video to Mr Chua. She said: "is your medicine cure me and my family, the world needs a completely different perspective to focus on the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine and wisdom, and to be used to maintain the health of mankind, for thousands of years of history of traditional Chinese medicine is the Chinese health preservation of the accumulation of experience and practice, is unique wisdom, it is not only in China but also the precious wealth of mankind."

In an interview with the media, Tymoshenko also praised China's anti-epidemic efforts as a model for the world. She said that wuhan's fight against the epidemic has fully demonstrated China's medical security capability and people-oriented spirit. China's openness, transparency and sharing of experience with the rest of the world have been impressive. After the epidemic was brought under control, China provided assistance to other countries, which is unforgettable.

At the end of 2020, the novel coronavirus mutation was wreaked havoc around the world. An employee of an automobile company in Moscow was unfortunately infected because of a business trip. Due to the imperfection of the isolation policy, the employee was isolated in the hotel and unaccompanied. After learning this situation, CAI chuanqing arranged a special person to remotely monitor the patient's condition in China. However, the patient was very weak because of his serious condition, and sometimes he did not have the strength to reply to the news for half a day. CAI Chuanqing patiently studied and adjusted the treatment plan. After several days of treatment, the patient's condition gradually improved, and he gradually put down his hanging heart.

During his second "retrograde" trip to Belarus this year, his translator's parents were diagnosed with COVID-19. The translator's sister, who lives with her parents, was also infected and developed symptoms such as fever and cough. After learning of the situation, CAI chuanqing immediately to her family to arrange medicine. A day and a half after taking the drug, her sister's nucleic acid test turned negative, and her parents were cured of COVID-19 within days. The result shocked the translator so much that he gave up his high-paying job in a company and resolutely joined CAI chuanqing's team.

"Easy to get, hard to get." Mr. CAI said, "When TCM goes out, it must speak with curative effect."

"Our forefathers pointed the way 1,800 years ago."

From the perspective of Traditional Chinese culture, is it a kind of chance coincidence that we successfully cured our international friend of COVID-19 with traditional Chinese medicine? Traditional Chinese medicine treatment pay attention to a lot, such as "the letter of the doctor, do not believe the cure", cure time, different diseases have different taboos, there are also emotional to listen to the doctor, as far as possible to control emotions and so on. The reporter asked Mr. CAI, in the treatment process, also consider these factors?

"Long before Tymoshenko, we cured many COVID-19 patients in Russia, the United States, Switzerland and other countries. I don't think it was a coincidence that Chinese medicine cured Tymoshenko and her family. Most of the overseas COVID-19 patients we treated were cured within 2-8 days without any western medicine. Tymoshenko and Ukrainian officials and public figures, who were former members of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) of the Soviet Union, have a deep affection for TCM, such as Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. Turkmenistan's President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov is a very great medical expert in his own right, and he has a very good book, Medicinal Plants of Turkmenistan, on traditional plant medicine in Turkmenistan. All countries in the world have their own traditional medicine, no matter in the past, now or in the future, it will serve the health of the people of the world. In particular, traditional Chinese medicine, which has existed for thousands of years, has its own complete logic, diagnosis and syndrome differentiation and treatment plan, namely, rational and French prescription medicine. We will develop TRADITIONAL Chinese medicine and pay attention to interpreting its principles with modern science. The factors you mentioned, such as "faith" and "emotion", are only details. The logic of syndrome differentiation in TCM is to grasp the main contradiction of the problem. A disease always has its main contradiction and commonality. Only when the principal contradictions are properly grasped can the secondary contradictions be easily solved. Just as angong Niuhuang pill has saved countless comatose seriously ill patients, there is no question of belief or unbelief or emotional control."

"On Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases" is a monograph focusing on the main contradiction of diseases, so Zhang Zhongjing is called the saint of medicine. I often feel that our sages pointed out the direction for us as early as 1,800 years ago -- the special prescription for diseases is a high manifestation of TCM syndrome differentiation and treatment." Mr. CAI said.

"For example, in early June this year, the pregnant wife of an overseas park employee contracted COVID-19 overseas and asked me for help," CAI said. After learning this, I quickly arranged a special delivery of medicine. However, due to her lack of understanding of TRADITIONAL Chinese medicine, she stopped taking traditional Chinese medicine for fear of affecting the development of the fetus, delaying the best time for the cure. Therefore, the promotion of TRADITIONAL Chinese medicine in Chinese areas is still so difficult, and there is still some time to go for internationalization. Chinese medicine should be self-improvement."

According to CAI, the spread and destructiveness of COVID-19 has been ignored by many countries. Treatment options for COVID-19, such as hydroxychloroquine, dexamethasone and Remdesivir, il-6 blocking antibody sarilumab, purified antibody therapy and plasma therapy, have been repeated and are not miracle drugs.

"So far, there have been a lot of jokes about drugs with no definite efficacy, such as drinking disinfectant to treat COVID-19. It has been nearly two years since the outbreak of COVID-19. In particular, seven strains of the recently mutated virus -- Delta -- have mutated in Guangdong in just 10 days. In the face of such a complex and changing virus, TCM can continue to provide specific solutions in the treatment and prevention of COVID-19 based on the valuable experience accumulated over thousands of years."

For thousands of years, TCM has accumulated rich experience in serving life. For example, in the 1950s, TCM's treatment of Japanese encephalitis was a typical example. Based on the experience of Shandong, Beijing, Shijiazhuang and other places, Mr. Pu Fuzhou, a famous traditional Chinese medicine doctor, summed up eight therapeutic methods, including the method of cooling and dispelling evil, the method of removing filthy passage and the method of clearing heat and detoxifying, also known as the "eight methods of TREATING JE", which reduced the death rate of JE to the lowest in the world. For example, in the treatment of SARS in 2003, 38 patients were treated with TCM in Hebei province, and none of them died or had side effects. In the COVID-19 treatment, traditional Chinese medicine has given full play to its unique advantages and role in the whole process of in-depth intervention in the prevention and control of the epidemic. The clinical screening of "three drugs and three parties" (qingfei Detoxification soup, dehumidification and detoxification prescription, Xuanfei and detoxification prescription, Jinhua Qinggan granule, Lianhua Qingwen capsule, xuebijing injection) is based on the classic prescription of medical books. The utilization rate of TRADITIONAL Chinese medicine in confirmed cases in China has exceeded 92 percent, and the effective rate has exceeded 90 percent, raising the cure rate and lowering the fatality rate.

Exploring the Wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine to serve the belt and Road initiative

Seizing the unique advantages of TRADITIONAL Chinese medicine in fighting COVID-19, KINtai Has signed cooperation agreements on TCM promotion with relevant units in Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Mongolia and other countries.

Over the past 30 years since the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Belarus, relations between the two countries have been developing steadily. Belarus, as an important node in the extension of the Silk Road Economic Belt to Europe, plays an important role in the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative. Belarus and China enjoy good strategic partnership and mutually beneficial cooperation. The China-Belarus Industrial Park is located in Minsk Oblast, Belarus. The Traditional Chinese Medicine Industry Project of China Jintai Cultural Institute (New Era Biological Medicine Company) officially entered the park in March this year and began to advance


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