Ambassador Xie Xiaoyong attended the signing ceremony of China Belarus deep cooperation zone and China Belarus international traditional Chinese medicine health industrial park project

发布于: 2021-07-21 00:00


On July 21, Ambassador Xie Xiaoyong was invited to attend the signing ceremony of China Belarus deep cooperation zone and China Belarus international traditional Chinese medicine health industrial park project online. Zhao Haozhi, deputy secretary and mayor of Qingdao municipal Party committee, Hui Xin'an, deputy secretary of Qingdao municipal Party committee, Wang Kaixuan, director of the Eurasian Department of the Ministry of Commerce, yaroshenko, director of the Management Committee of China Belarus Industrial Park, greenko, director of the medical identification center of the Ministry of health of Belarus, Yan Gang, general manager of China Belarus Industrial Park Development Co., Ltd., Wang Yuhang, general manager of CAMCE, Cai Chuanqing, President of Jintai Academy of literature and senior consultant of Zhongbai Industrial Park, and Fang Xiaoling, chairman of Zhongheng glory (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd., attended the event.


Ambassador Xie Xiaoyong first congratulated the signing of the China Belarus deep cooperation zone and the China Belarus international traditional Chinese medicine health industrial park project, and said that after the traditional Chinese medicine industrial project of Jintai Academy of culture was launched in the China Belarus Industrial Park in March this year, the cooperation in the field of traditional Chinese Medicine between the two countries ushered in new projects. One belt, one road, is the key to the development of the Sino US cooperation. It will not only represent a new model and new attempt for pragmatic cooperation between the two countries, but will also lead to in-depth cooperation between the two sides in the fields of medicine, health, agriculture, technology and culture. And the commanding height of the international development of traditional Chinese medicine.


Ambassador Xie pointed out that traditional Chinese medicine is not only the treasure of Chinese culture, but also the dependence of the Chinese nation on curing diseases and strengthening its health for a long time. Traditional Chinese medicine has good curative effect, small side effects and low price. It has unique advantages in disease prevention, treatment and rehabilitation. It is widely recognized by many medical circles and ordinary people, has a positive impact on human life and health and the progress of world civilization, and has made great contributions to the development of World Medical civilization. During the novel coronavirus pneumonia China's novel coronavirus pneumonia, the Chinese medicine played an important role in the rescue of life in China and many other countries. It not only had a good effect on light and ordinary new crown pneumonia, but also had a significant advantage in treating severe patients, which could reduce the mortality of new crown severe diseases from 21% to 5%. Traditional Chinese medicine has become one of the biggest highlights of the "China plan" for epidemic prevention and control, which has been unanimously affirmed and praised by the international community.


Ambassador Xie said that the new presidential decree of Belarus issued in June this year has listed traditional Chinese medicine as one of the important supporting industries of the China Belarus Industrial Park. China is willing to continue to work with Belarus to take solid steps on the road of internationalization of traditional Chinese medicine and make the treasures of traditional Chinese Medicine benefit all mankind. It is hoped that relevant departments and enterprises of the two countries will make good use of the platform of the China Belarus deep cooperation zone, adhere to the purpose of open cooperation, mutual benefit and win-win results, earnestly carry out cooperation in traditional Chinese medicine and national standards of traditional Chinese medicine, promote the establishment of industrial funds, strengthen talent exchange and training, and establish China EU joint production and R & D of traditional plant medicine based on the China Belarus Industrial Park, To contribute to improving the health of the two peoples, expanding China Belarus practical cooperation and promoting cultural and civilized exchanges and mutual learning.



In his speech, director Wang Kaixuan said that as a model project of China Belarus cooperation, the China Belarus industrial park carries the ardent expectations of the two peoples for the development of mutually beneficial cooperation. In March 2021, the first Chinese medicine enterprise settled in Zhongbai Industrial Park. Today, the cooperation agreement on China Belarus traditional Chinese medicine industrial park is about to be signed. It is believed that through the unremitting efforts of all parties, traditional Chinese medicine will bring more benefits to the people of China and Belarus and make new contributions to building a human health community. China is willing to work with Belarus to resolutely implement the important consensus reached by the two heads of state, provide policy support and service guarantee for the construction of China Belarus Industrial Park, and constantly promote the high-quality development of China Belarus Industrial Park.



Deputy Secretary of one belt, one road, pointed out that since 2018, President Xi Jinping has visited Qingdao for two times, and has made important instructions for Qingdao to make a good meeting, invigorate a city, build a modern international metropolis and create a new platform for "international cooperation". The China Belarus deep cooperation zone will follow the successful path of the China Belarus Industrial Park, vigorously promote the integration and international development of industries such as traditional Chinese medicine, strengthen in-depth exchanges and cooperation between China and Belarus, and build a new bridge for deepening China Belarus friendship and cooperation. Qingdao municipal government will fully support the development of the park and provide good supporting services.



General manager Yan Gang said that in the context of the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Belarus, the signing of the project is an important step to promote China Belarus medical cooperation, especially traditional medicine cooperation. China Belarus Industrial Park will actively attract projects in the field of life and medical treatment to settle in the park, so as to realize the dual domain linkage and industrial two-way interaction of China Belarus Industrial Park and deep cooperation zone.



In his speech, director yaroshenko said that today will be a new starting point for the partnership between the two parks, the China Belarus Industrial Park and the China Belarus deep cooperation zone, and a milestone in promoting the international cooperation of traditional Chinese medicine enterprises in Belarus and Europe. It is believed that the project of China Belarus deep cooperation zone and China Belarus international traditional Chinese medicine health industrial park will inject new impetus into the overall development of China Belarus Industrial Park and Belarus. The Management Committee of China Belarus Industrial Park will provide all-round support for this project.



At the end of the ceremony, Qingdao Chengyang District People's government, Zhongbai Industrial Park Development Co., Ltd., CAMCE International Engineering Co., Ltd. and Zhongheng glory (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. signed the strategic cooperation and cooperation agreement of China Belarus deep cooperation zone, and Qingdao Chengyang District Hetao sub district office and Zhongheng glory (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. signed the investment agreement of Sino white international traditional Chinese medicine health industrial park.


Zhao Qiuyan, business counselor and Liu Bo, the third secretary of the museum, attended the above activities.


Source: Official Website of the Chinese Embassy in Belarus


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